Table of contents:

  1. What have you learned?
  2. What were 2-3 interesting points?
  3. What were 2-3 points you didn’t understand?
  4. Where does this skill or best practice fit?
  5. Conclusion

1. What have you learned?

  • PARTIION BY divides the result set into partitions based on a specified column, while GROUP BY reduces the number of rows by grouping them,

  • PARTIION BY allows you to use additional columns that wouldn’t be possible with GROUP BY in the same query,

  • PARTIION BY is placed within the SELECT statement and allows you to perform aggregate functions on a specific partition

2. What were 2-3 interesting points?

  • CTEs (Common Table Expressions): CTEs simplify complex queries by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable components. This modular approach makes SQL queries easier to understand, maintain, and debug.

  • Stored Procedures: Stored procedures are precompiled groups of SQL statements stored within the database. They accept input parameters and can be reused across various operations. Benefits include:

    • Performance Gains: Since they are precompiled, stored procedures often execute faster than regular queries.

    • Reduced Network Traffic: Reusing stored procedures minimizes the need to send large query strings over the network repeatedly.

3. What were 2-3 points you didn’t understand?

  • How can advanced window functions, when combined with PARTITION BY, be leveraged for intricate analytical queries?

  • Are there scenarios where the performance of stored procedures might degrade compared to standard queries?

  • How does the integration of CTEs compare to temporary tables in terms of performance and storage overhead?

4. Where does this skill or best practice fit?

These skills are vital for:

  • Data Analytics: Using PARTITION BY and window functions enables deep insights by analyzing subsets of data.

  • Database Optimization: Stored procedures and CTEs help streamline query execution and reduce the complexity of codebases.

  • Scalable Applications: Reusable and performance-oriented SQL structures like stored procedures are critical in applications that handle large-scale data.


Understanding advanced SQL features such as PARTITION BY, CTEs, and stored procedures can significantly enhance data handling and analysis capabilities. These tools not only improve query efficiency but also promote best practices in database management. With further exploration, the nuances of these concepts can unlock even greater potential for complex and scalable database solutions.

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  1. Big Data
  2. Data Engineering Journey - no. 01
  3. Data Engineering Journey - no. 02
  4. Data Engineering Journey - no. 03
  5. SQL Server
  6. SQL Server Management Studio