Recently having trouble with import paths being automatically updated in lsp-typescript
. I am using version 9.0.0 (20240422.334)
. I intend to import files in the current directory using relative paths (e.g. ./metric
), but I suspect that LSP is automatically updating them to paths of the form ../../../projects/some/other/path
whenever I save. It is also common for the paths to be automatically updated such that they point to an emacs autosave/backup
Here is what I’ve tried so far:
(setq lsp-javascript-preferences-import-module-specifier "relative")
(setq lsp-javascript-suggest-auto-imports nil)
(setq lsp-javascript-suggest-paths nil)
(setq lsp-javascript-update-imports-on-file-move-enabled "never")
(setq lsp-typescript-preferences-import-module-specifier "relative")
(setq lsp-typescript-suggest-auto-imports nil)
(setq lsp-typescript-suggest-paths nil)
(setq lsp-typescript-update-imports-on-file-move-enabled "never")
(setq lsp-typescript-surveys-enabled nil)
This seems to fix the usage of backup files:
(setq backup-by-copying t)
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