Below are a few examples of using plot() function in R:

x <- rnorm(1000)
y <- x + rnorm(1000)
plot(x, y)

Example 1: Basic Scatterplot in R

A Scatterplot with Default Specifications in Base R
A Scatterplot with Default Specifications in Base R

Example 2: Scatterplot with User-Defined Title & Labels

plot(x, y,                                        
     main = "Scatterplot",
     xlab = "X-Values",
     ylab = "Y-Values")
Scatterplot with User-Defined Main Title & Axis Label
Scatterplot with User-Defined Main Title & Axis Label

Example 3: Regression

plot(x1, y1)                   
abline(lm(y1 ~ x1), col = "red")
Regression line in R
Regression line in R

Example 4: Density Plot in R

Density plot in R
Density plot in R

Example 5: Plot with Colors & PCH According to Group

group <- rbinom(1000, 1, 0.3) + 1  
plot(x1, y1,                                   
     main = "Plot",
     xlab = "X-Values",
     ylab = "Y-Values",
     col = group,
     pch = group)
Adding Grouping Variable.
Adding Grouping Variable.

Example 6: Plot Multiple Densities in Same Plot

lines(density(y1), col = "red")
Plot Multiple Densities in Same Plot
Plot Multiple Densities in Same Plot

Example 7: plot() and legend()

temperature pressure
1           0   0.0002
2          20   0.0012
3          40   0.0060
4          60   0.0300
5          80   0.0900
6         100   0.2700
plot(pressure, col="red", pch=19)
points(pressure$temperature/2, pressure$pressure,col="blue", pch=17)
legend("topleft", c("line 1","line 2"), pch=c(19,17), col=c("red","blue"))
plot() and legend()
plot() and legend()

Example 8: Label data points

abline(h= 247, v=300, col="red", lty=2)
Sine plot
Sine plot

Example 9: Singe plot

x = seq(-pi,pi,0.1)
y = sin(x)
Label data points
Label data points

Example 10: Matrix of Scatterplots

x <- rnorm(500)
y <- x + rnorm(500)
z <- runif(500) 
data <- data.frame(x, y, z)
Matrix of Scatterplots
Matrix of Scatterplots

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  1. R documentation
  2. Linear regression from Wikipedia
  3. The Bell Curve Theory